In attempting to ascertain when John and/or Isaac Mathews first appeared in South Carolina, the following information is available.
An Isaac Matthews and Isaac Edward Matthews (** see bottom of msg) are listed in 96 District Census 1779, as are a Joseph, Victer and two Williams.
Isaac Mathews listed as one of the estate administrators of Joseph Greer's estate dtd 12 Mar 1783 (also listed is John Ewing Calhoun, a 1st cousin of Anne Calhoun).
Isaac Mathews married Anne Calhoun 12 Oct 1784.
Isaac Mathews listed in 96 District SC (in the area that would become Abbeville County) in 1790 Census with (a) 1 male 16>, (b) 1 male less than 16, (c) 3 females. Isaac would be (a), Joseph Calhoun would be (b), and Anne, Mary and Nancy would be (c).
There is a Philip, William, Saml (Samuel), Joseph, Victor and William Mathews also listed in 96 District in 1790 (note: NO John) in the area that would become Abbeville County.
Isaac Mathews is listed in the 1800 US Census in Abbeville County SC (a) 1 male 9<, (b) 1 male 10-15, (c) 1 male 45+, (d) 2 females 10-15, (e) 1 female 45+. Isaac would be (c), John would be (a), Joseph would be (b), Nancy and Mary would be (d) and Anne would be (e).
Isaac Mathews died in 25 March 1801. The 1810 census list Ann Mathews with (a) 2 males 16-25 and (b) 1 female 26-44. John and Lewis would be (a) and Anne would be (b). Joseph Mathews married Margaret Brough 18 Sept 1807 and is listed as Joseph Mathues with (a) 1 male 9<, (b) 1 male 26-44, (c) 1 female 9<, (d) 1 female 16-25. Ezekiel Waddle would be (a), Joseph would be (b), Nancy Ann would be (c) and Margaret would be (d).
Janie Revill’s, a Compilation of the Original lists of Protestant Immigrants to South Carolina 1763-1773, list a John Mathews as a 30 May 1768 petitioner for a warrant of survey on the bounty for 100 acres between Savannah and Saludy Rivers (Council Journal 34, pg 148-151). Also listed as petitioners for 100 acres each were George Farquar, Charles Tais, Patrick Smellie, John Grelling, Robert Briggs, William Weer, Stephen Brown, James Stedman, Gilbert Chalmers, John Allardice and George Thomson. All listed EXCEPT John Mathews arrived from Great Britain in the Snow (type of ship) KINNOUL (Alexander Alexander – master). ? Was John Mathews already in Charleston SC or did he arrive on a different ship?
Bracketing Dec 1767 to May 1768, the 6 months prior to the council meeting in Charleston, David Dobson list 5 ships that arrived from Ireland to Charleston SC during that time period in his book, Ships from Ireland to Early America 1623-1850. They are the EARL OF DONEGAL, arrived Charleston from Belfast, 7 Dec 1767 with 260 passengers, the CHICHESTER, arrived Charleston from Belfast, 25 Dec 1767 with 130 passengers, the JAMES & MARY, arrived Charleston from Larne, 31 Dec 1767 with 150 passengers, the BETTY GREIG, arrived Charleston from N. Ireland, 1 Feb 1768 with 150 passengers, and the LORD DUNGANNON, arrived Charleston from N. Ireland, 1 Feb 1768 with 120 passengers. ? Could John and Isaac Mathews have been aboard one of these ships if in fact the John Mathews listed is ‘our’ John Mathews?
The South Carolina Assembly had passed an act in 1761 to encourage settlers to come to the colony and settle Upper South Carolina, the frontier. A bounty of 4 pounds sterling would be paid “for the passage of every poor Protestant brought to SC from Europe.” The bounty system came to an end on the last day of the General Assembly session in July 1768. Hence, the 30 May 1768 session was one of the last that granted this bounty.
** Isaac Edward Matthews/Mathews b. 1736 VA, d. 25 Mar 1791, 96 Dist, SC. Was the son of Isaac and Mary Mathews. Isaac b. abt 1700 King & Queen Co, VA, d. 1767-69 Old Charles City, SC. Isaac's children were Moses, Thomas, Samuel, Reap, Robert, Peter, Susannah, isaac Edward, Jean, Mary and Sarah. Isaac was the son of Thomas Mathews of VA. This line of Mathews was an old Virginia line originally from England. This is probably the Isaac Edward Matthews referred to in the 1779 Census. His father Isaac would have already died by 1779, so the other Isaac listed could very possibly be 'our' Isaac. Another idea is that the other Isaac could be Isaac Matthews son of Victor Matthews from York County, PA. Victor is listed on a jury list for Abbeville in 1776-77, and on the 1790 Census for Abbeville Co., SC. Victor's will was dated 1796 Abbeville, SC and names his wife Isabell and a Joseph Matthews (thought to be his brother) as executors . Victor's children are listed as John, James, Isaac, Esther, Ann, Elizabeth & Rebecca in the will. Note: the names Joseph, Victer (Victor) and Isaac are all listed in the 1779 Census.
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Wills of Victor Matthews and John Mathews provided by Greg Matthews via e-mail (3/27/06)
I Victor Matthews being sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory, etc. I give to my beloved wife ISABLE her third of the moveable estate and her living on the land while a widow. Also I give to my three sons, JOHN, JAMES, ISAAC my land, with the remainder divided amongst my children that is unmarried, the boys and girls to get alike, as to my married dtr. ESTER ANN, ELIZABETH REBECCA, I leave five shillings each. I appoint Isable and JOSEPH Matthews as executors. Dated 31 Dec 1795.
Wit: William Weagworth, Samuel NcNeily, Moses Edmiston. Signed: Victor Matthews.
Recorded 25 March 1796. To William Wedgworth, John Lumbis, John Irwin, JOHN CONNOR, Thomas Pool, you or any three of you to repair unto all places as directed by Isable Matthews executrix. Dated 5 March 1796. Signed James Wardlaw, DCC. The above appraisers were certified before. Charles Devenport, J.P. The inventory and appraisement was held 26 April 1796. With the sale on 24 April 1798. Buyers are: Isbel Matthews, David Black, John Fleming, Thomas Davis, James Fleming, James Campbell, Moses Edminston, Thomas Bartee, John Sims, William Brown, James Wedgworth, William Buchanan, Alexander Sample, Joseph NcNeely, John Wilson, Carr McGeehee, Robert Johnson Gulley, Thomas Cobb, Robert Buchanan, James Parker, Stephen Watson, John Blackburn, John Irwin, Isaac Logan.
I John Mathews being very sick in body, but of perfect mind I do leave to widow Agnes Calhoun the use of my crockery ware, my china set, cups and saucer, the use of milk cow until called for by my son Isaac. I leave the remainder of my estate to my son Isaac. I appoint my brother Isaac Matthew, Alexr Noble as executors. Dated 21 Oct. 1793.
Wit: Wm Colhoun Sr., Nancy Colhoun Sr.
Signed John Mathews.
Recorded 25 Mar 1794.
Major Alexr Noble, James Noble, James Milligan, William Clahoun, William Deal, this is to you or any three of you to repair tao all such places as directed by Isaac Matthews Executor of John Matthews estate, to make a true and perfect inventory and appraisement of the same etc. Dated 25 March 1794.
Signed James Wardlaw, D.C.C. these were certified by Flm. Bates J.P. the 18 Apr. 1794.
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